Why can’t I find the StoreJet Cloud10K App in the App Store for download after upgrading my iPad to iOS11?

分類 : ソフトウェア / ファームウェア / アプリケーション
StoreJet Cloud10K is not compatible with iOS11 on iPad so far.

At present, the SJC can still be used on iPhones that have been upgraded to iOS11. Therefore, if you want to use StoreJet Cloud10K on your iPad, please download the iPhone version directly and all App functions can work on the iPad.

The steps are as follows:
Step 1: Go to App Store

Step 2: Click "Filter"

Step 3: In Supports, select "iPhone only"

Step 4: The StoreJetCloud10K App will now appear. You are free to download and install it.





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